"Victims should receive compassion and care, and those responsible for these evils must be brought to justice."It's a rare day that finds me agreeing with Pope Super Bowl XVI, but it just goes to show that even a Jersey atheist and the head of a billion Christians can agree that punishing priests who raped and molested children--and the powerful men who failed to stop the rapes and molestation by shuffling pervert priests from one parish to another--is of paramount importance.
That's why I'm here to tell the pope where he can find one of those powerful men who aided rapists and molesters, one of the men who failed to protect children by putting the image of the Church before his duty as a human being. Using one of the most technologically advanced research tools known to man--Google--I have found a man who deserves to be on To Catch a Predator. I know his name, and I know where he works.
His name is Bernard Francis Cardinal Law, and he works at the
Vatican. Yes, that Cardinal Law, and yes, that
A quick recap: in 2002 Cardinal Law resigned as archbishop of Boston after it was revealed that he knew about complaints against priests raping and molesting boys and not only didn't report the crimes to the police but instead simply transferred the priest to different parishes, offering them a new life--and new children to rape and molest. Despite this stunning revelation, two years later Cardinal Law was named archpriest of St. Mary Major in
Rome, a house of worship that
Boston Magazine describes this way:
The church, which features a special altar reserved for the use of the pope, predates the fall of the Roman empire and contains 15 centuries’ worth of priceless art. Surely the man who raised a $1.5 million private donation to refurbish Boston’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross appreciates the privilege of offering Mass surrounded by fifth-century mosaics and an ornate ceiling that is said to have been gilded with the first haul of ore Columbus brought back from the New World.
Cardinal Law should be in jail, and not just because he's praying under gold most likely mined with slave labor. He knew that children were being raped and molested, and instead of being punished he's being reward with a cushy position and a $5000-a-month salary
The pope is lying when he says he wants justice for the victims of rape and molestation at the hands of priests because he gave a job to one of the men who perpetuated the crimes. He is not concerned with the well-being of children anymore than Cardinal law was. If he were, he'd hand Law over to the law and let the pedophile protector live his last days not under an opulent canopy but as some lifer's bitch, making 12 cents a day in the prison laundry.